10th Convention of AIMA: Academic Partner HIMCS

The 10th MSME Convention was virtually organized by All India Management Association (AIMA). During this convention, our institute Hindustan Institute of Management and Computer Studies, Farah, Mathura got an opportunity to join as an academic partner. In this virtual convention, innovative solutions related to micro small and medium enterprises were discussed. At the beginning of the convention, Honorable Minister of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India, Shri Nitin Gadkari in his address said that today there is a need of an hour to work on new products and new technology. As part of the self-reliance campaign, we saw that during the Corona period, many people started making sanitizers which was much needed. He said today’s research work should be done for the common man. With the advent of technology, we should make products that are low in cost and unmatched in technology without compromising on quality. Today, MSME has the additional responsibility of providing new opportunities in the rural, agricultural and tribal sectors as India is undoubtedly seen as a growing economic country on the world map and the youth here is the backbone of this country. Therefore, there is an urgent need to strengthen the production sector. He extended his best wishes to AIMA for organizing the convention on this subject.
Today, a total of five planners were held in which in-depth discussion on Innovation Readiness, Emerging Opportunities, Innovative Financing, Branding and Digital and Social Media Marketing were discussed. Various eminent speakers of the country participated in this convention. Mr. Harshapati Singhania, Mr. Rakesh Sethi, Mr. J.S. Juneja, Prof. Raj Aggarwal, Mr. Vipin Tyagi, Mr. Pradeep Sharma, Mr. Prahlada Kakkar are some of the prominent names among them. At the conclusion of the program, Prof. Raj Agarwal thanked everyone and this convention was extended to MSME. He said that on the basis of technology transfer and innovation, we can strengthen our GDP.
We had a poster competition organized for the students of our institute. The theme of the poster competition was ‘Skill India’. Students expressed their feelings through a sum of 22 posters. First, second and third prizes were given to the students. During lunch break, a quiz competition was also organized by Dr. Gunjan Bhatnagar (faculty management) with questions based on the functioning of M.S.M.E. and its contribution. The winning students of the quiz were also honored. The Director of the Institute, Dr. Naveen Gupta thanked all the members involved in the convention and appreciated own students for asking such relevant questions to the panelist. He said that our institute likes to have such kind of convention so that our educational activity can also move forward effectively and this proves to help us to enhance better quality in imparting value education.