Webinar on Launching of Book written by Dr Naveen Gupta (Director-HIMCS)

Dr. Naveen Gupta, the well known name among behavioral scientists and life coach who is presently associated as Director-Hindustan Institute of Management and Computer Studies, Farah, Mathura has written a book on “Life Skills for Success-25 Steps”. This book is co-authored by Dr Anju Jain (Associate Professor- RBS College Agra). This book was launched recently with a collaborative effort of Agra Development Foundation, National Chamber of Industry and Commerce, We for Agra and SGI through webinar.
During the webinar multiple things were discussed which are essential for success. It is equally important that one should know how to say no. It means that everybody should know their limitations because one cannot do everything. If you are compassionate with others and having feeling for gratitude then you will be known as successful in the eyes of others. This is actually the secret of success.
Dr Naveen Gupta said that work towards daily success, not only the success that comes at the end of the journey. Do this every day, and your actions will bring you closer to your ultimate goals. We should try to change our mindset and try to avoid negativity as much as we can. The more you strive to be better than yesterday, the more success you will feel because progress, at times, can be felt. You can feel it in your body when progressing and working hard towards completing a project. You can see it when you reflect back on when you first started, and the leaps that you took to get to where you are today. He mentioned that we have kept all success mantras in 25 categories and each and every mantra is a stepping stone for success. Nowadays we need to work more upon emotional quotient rather than intelligent quotients. We need to prepare a checklist on a day-to-day basis with small goals for everyday and at the end of the day just cross check how much you have achieved. By doing this number of right ticks will enhance your capabilities and will force you to grow in a positive way. Always try to listen to your inner voice and move accordingly. One day you will surely be successful.
Vice-Chancellor (Agra University) Honorable Prof Ashok Mittal Sir and Vice-Chairman SGI- Mr Y K Gupta Sir has sent the best wishes for Happy Teacher’s Day to all members present during webinar, telephonically.
The Ex-Chief Justice Rajeev Lochan Mehrotra mentioned that to free yourself from the limitations of what other’s perceived as success is a tremendous opportunity to define life on your own terms. You learn to stop chasing things that simply don’t matter — but at one point you thought they did — and instead, you start to focus on the things that help you differentiate progress versus procrastination.
A.D.F. Secretary- Mr K C Jain said that the For me, being successful means to have a balanced self reliant life. The way that success is defined shapes our working lives. It affects how organizations perform, who progresses within them and how power is exercised. It is a brutal fact that fewer women than men are recognized as successful based on current standards and value judgments. This book therefore sets out to question our assumptions about what success is and how this impacts on the progression of men and women in the workplace. Our wider ambition is to stimulate a rethink about whom and what we value, why and how. This will enable us to imagine and then create more inclusive workplaces, which can in turn influence progress towards a fairer society. These 25 steps are very vital for getting success.
The Industrialist and Social Worker Mr Puran Dawar mentioned that we should trust on our task force then only the organizational success can be achieved. A meaningful definition of success that works for the organisation, whilst also being personally engaging for both genders, starts to change the game, rather than tinkering around the edges. In commissioning this book, the University is demonstrating a determination to achieve change on this scale. The book provides a platform for stories by and about successful women at the University, so that they can influence thinking in this area. These insights could also provide encouragement to women looking to shape their own working lives, as well as valuable guidance for those responsible for developing or managing others.
This webinar was the platform for getting success for not only working professionals but also for the young students. Mr Rajeev Aggrawal, Mr Gopal Gupta (Vice President-AFMAC), Mr Rajeev Gupta (Founder- LokSwar), Mr Ajay Veer Singh, Dr Rashmi Sony, Prof Anshuman Gupta (UPES Dehradun), Prof S M Khan (AMU, Aligarh), Dr Ram Prakash Gupta (From USA), Ex-ADJ Mr Praveen Kumar Gupta and 80 students of HIMCS were present during the webinar